6th Annual Seven County Banana Pudding Cook-Off Winner is......

The National Banana Pudding Festival Congratulates Reba Winters, Winner!

Debbie Goins, Kristin Bacynzki, Diana Bailey, & Reba Winters

On August 22, 2015 folks from Hickman, Dickson, Humphreys, Lewis, Maury, Perry and Williamson counties gathered for the 6th Annual Seven County Banana Pudding Cook-Off; organized by the National Banana Pudding Festival and sponsored by McDonalds Funeral Home. Hickman County was represented well by the four contestants Reba Winters of Lyles, Debbie Goins of Lyles, Diana Bailey of Nunnelly, and Kristin Bacynzski of Duck River.
We congratulate Reba Winters for winning this year’s Seven County Banana Pudding Cook-Off with her
Reba Winters with Grannie's Best Banana Pudding with Meringue
recipe of Grannie’s Best Banana Pudding with Meringue. She won $500 and a spot as a finalist in the National Banana Pudding Cook-Off on October 3, 2015. Reba Winters was also the winner of the Taster’s Choice Award. The Taster’s Choice Award is determined by the votes of all attendees that taste the puddin’s. Band Angelica entertained while everyone ate banana puddin’. It was a great day!
This year’s judges were Maria Casto, retired caterer, Jodie Chessor Morgan of Grinder’s Switch Winery and Eatin’ on the Cheap blogger, and Janet Pierce, Vice Pres. of the Hickman Co. Arts and Craft Guild and editor; all of Hickman County. They had a great time tasting banana puddin’!
Seven Co. Banana Pudding Cook-Off Judges 2015

This year’s Cook-Off was located at the East Hickman Baptist Church in Lyles on 7836 North Lick Creek Road in Lyles, TN. The church was an excellent host and served up some wonderful food for lunch. Their proceeds will go to Relay for Life.
Applications for the National Banana Pudding Cook-Off will be accepted through September 4, 2015. You can download an application and guidelines from http://www.bananapuddingfest.org/pages/national-cook-off . Applications can also be obtained by writing to the National Banana Pudding Festival, 118 Church Street, Centerville, TN 37033, on the Festival Info page of www.bananapuddingfest.org or calling 931-994-6273.
Seven Co. Banana Pudding Cook-Off Judges 2015